Madeleine Bunting wrote an article in the Guardian this morning about the conservatives and how they're managing to get more support than labour. It's interesting how she explains that it's actually not about their politics, but rather about the political figures, the personalities, and not what they represent, that counts.
When I first moved here and started studying politics I quickly noticed how the political culture in Britain is so different from Sweden's. With only two parties that have started to step into each other's politics, it often comes down to who gives you the best feeling at the time of an election. That person is who will get your vote.
Also, to be honest, I think that in today's society, a lot of people are not as interested in politics as they used to be. Politics have become something for academics, and not even all of them. The language used, the way things are explained, it's not for everyone. It's hard to understand unless you have taken an interest in the area for years, or even have studied it.
Before I started really taking an interest in politics I hated it. It was all too complicated. I had no clue what those politicians were screaming about on the telly. And they all seemed so mean the way they kept saying nasty things about their opponents.
Having lived in Britain for a year now, it's even worse here. At least the nastiness. The political culture here, with only two major parties, gives room for a debate on a personal level in a totally different way.
Anyway, back to the point. I think Bunting has a very valid point the way she describes the political culture today, and what's more, that really worries me. You should not be voting for someone because him or her looks nice. You should be voting for a person or a party because you truly believe this is the best way for the country just now. This is what the country needs.
So people, start taking your social responsibility seriously, because you do decide the future, and the politicians need you to question them so they take every opportunity they can to make their policies better.